Thursday, March 02, 2006

What's In A Name?

Today we're going to look at a possible site for the new wheat / gluten free bakery. It must be kismet because my mother knows the guy who owns the building and it's been renovated for just our kind of purpose. There's an area that we can exclusively dedicate to mixing dough. It has a walk in cooler, sinks and it's entirely up to code. We plan on using our artistic talents to doll the joint up, a little funky painting, some big photos of the products etc.

I have a few names in mind, but I thought it would be a great idea to tap into the power of the internet and everyone's creativity. This is the deal, if you submit an idea and we decide to use it, we'll send you a $50 gift card from Starbucks. I look at it this way: That's TEN FREE VENTI WHITE MOCHAS or many more of your favorite in a small size! Good luck and happy brainstorming! Is there anybody out there?


Anonymous said...

I am not very good at coming up with names but I will see if my husband has any ideas. He is the writer in the family.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited and impressed for y'all!!
No names yet?
When my son was just a wee lad, he came up with a name for his wanna be pizza joint...I was just about to pen it for all cyber space to see and STEAL.. It's a good one, I'll have to whisper it to ya later honey.

Anonymous said...

Any good leads on a name?
What about something with toucher(too-shay)in it? That came to me as I was driving the other day, wasn't that in a cartoon or something... too-shay pussy cat...
Mozzarella Keepers, that was my sons idea for his pizza/resaurant place that he wants to do someday.