Sunday, November 26, 2006


I'm on four hours of sleep all in the spirit of the Holiday Season. I find myself now blankly staring at the blinking cursor as I drink Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale. That cursor reminds me of a stupid woman batting her long lashes like a cartoon doe.

I just got home and actually let out a sigh of relief and a silent cheer in my mind when I opened my beaded handbag and spied the mini cluster of Archer Farms Macaroons I bought earlier at Target. So that's what I'm eating, ale and cookies.

Snowflake slumbers above. I was awake until four AM, decorating my abode, lights, wreaths, garland, etc. Earlier in the day my mom came down and helped me wash my windows.

I have ancient windows, grided with self storing storms that were once painted by the School of the Blind. Decrepid and scorched like the Black Rock Desert, the glazier's putty falls off in big chunks if you tap the window just right or slam it.

You'd never know they were such massive pieces of shit to look at them now, clear as crystal and sparkley, refelecting every angle of my handiwork. I decided to sleep on the couch since Nana took Snowflake to bed eons earlier. My sofa felt like a cocoon, it spooned me and accepted my every angle. Ahhhhhhhh.

I wore my glasses for awhile after I removed my contact lenses just to appreciate the streetlight flooding my living room in stunning digital quality. It was the equivalent of Ella Fitzgerald breaking the wine glass for Memorex. Beautiful.

I am so happy to enjoy this silence, minus the sea shell like sound of the downstairs toilet running. Jiggle, jiggle, stop. These are the best cookies and one of the best beers EVER, eventhough it's raining.


Anonymous said...

That's LIVE. As in We saw Beck LIVE and I almost shit my pants.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms.mamma, just went through your Flicker photos and want to say - they are absolutely breathtaking! You must have studied photography at one point in your life, right? They are AMAZING!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, glad you enjoyed Beck, and that you have clean windows! Clean windows are a beautiful thing. When I lived in SF, we had these windows that you would turn around on themselves...I don't know how to explain it, but you could open them and keep tilting and the outside part would then be inside, and you could clean them that way. Groovy, huh? I miss that in my little condo with the dirty windows upstairs and no way for me to reach the outside. Sigh.

You mentioned seeing Thompson Twins on my did I! It was a concert called "Day on the Green", and it was, get this, Oingo Boingo, Thompson Twins, Madness, The Fixx, and The Police on their last tour. AMAZING! And suprisingly affordable!

Anonymous said...

I walked by in hopes of melting off some baby jiggle and your house looks beautiful and festive!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale!!! Never heard of it, but it sounds neat! What does it taste like? Hey, if you and SF ever hop on over here, bring some of that ale and in exchange I'll give you a jar of Hawberry jelly! LOL!

Kudos on the clean windows :) Mine leave a lot to be desired! My excuse is that I'm saving the lives of millions of birds (from flying into my pristine, clear as glass windows!)!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Curiosity! I could spend hours taking photographs and sometimes I actually get to. I've never had any training though I wish I did becaue then I actually might be somewhere else right now. But here is where I am supposed to be right now. hmmmm...

Clean windows are so wonderful, J. I know how you feel about high windows. I need an extension ladder to do the upstairs, so they still look like old windows in Cannery Row, like the movie with Nick Nolte and Debra Winger. OMG! What a concert. Well, let me think now. I did see Howard Jones and Level 42. You still have me beat! ;)

Christine I think Blue Moon might be made by Coors, though I'm not sure. It's alright. I'll bring you some New Glarus Belgian Red(over one pound of Door County cherries in every bottle- it's a big bottle!) You ARE saving birds!

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing the Thompson Twins 20 odd years ago when I was working as a barman in a nightclub Norwich, UK (My first job. I lasted three weeks then they fired me for 'having a degree'). They were filming some sort of special with Frankie Goes To Hollywood . About all that I thought was "Gosh, that's a long ponytail" and "Isn't he short?". The only other thing I remember was the requirement to polish something - anything - if you'd run out of things to do.

We have beautiful Edwardian sash windows which cost a small fortune to maintain but I wouldn't replace them for the world. We have fitted draft-proofing - they were proving a little too efficient as ventilators in winter.

Anonymous said...

Unrelaxed- He was short and totally pasty!

Those are such cool looking windows. My windows are alot like Swiss Cheese and I refuse to do the ugly plastic wrap treatment to them. I understand people doing it, but ugh, gross. It's like looking through swamp water.

Snowflake and I will most likely never die of carbon monoxide poisoning with those windows. Down blankees with a high fill required.