Wednesday, November 01, 2006


The last day of the month. It was a decent day. A bright and cold sunny day. Postcards arrived in the mailbox from a friend and it made me happy. Happy that he thought enough to do the tedious task of sending a few simple words to the bambino from the far corners of the country because I asked him to. The Tarantula card arriving on Halloween was a lucky stroke of genius.

Progression into a powerfully cold night, my mother called to tell me that someone I knew died. He was only 23. I was shocked. My heart ached for his family and for the son that will never remember him. He will have all the stories, the few photographs.

What a bunch of bullshit.

I wish you could see him, the picture of him that they put in the paper. It must be his high school graduation photo. Vibrant, full of sweetness, and tinged with innocence.

I did not know him well, but I knew him. I remember him. I have pictures of him with his son wearing a little Santa Claus suit sitting on his lap at my Christmas party last December.

It reminds me of my own dead brother and all of the sweet lost souls who go away without ever looking back. The hurt they leave behind is immeasurable. Don't blame them. They have no idea other than maybe their own suffering will stop.

Be kind to people and have more patience. Tomorrow they bury their son, their brother and a baby's father. Tomorrow this could be happening to you.

Rest in peace sweet, sweet boy.


Anonymous said...

Wow. That's truly sad. I feel for his family as well. And in the words of Henry James, "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind, the second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind."


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that, J. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The story is just so bizarre. Today the paper had anarticle on his death because apparently he was found in a stolen city owned van that burned in a bar parking lot. His parents are in complete shock. The cause of the fire is undetermined. This area REALLY is Twin Peakian. There are so many things that are just northern versions of Flannery O'Connor.