Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Christmas Crock

Christmas came down at about 5pm today. I packed it all up and haven't looked back. It was magical to watch Snowflake enjoy his new toys. On the other hand, Christmas was a disgusting bust for my mother. This year(along with her usual wad of cash) she received a box of salted nut rolls and a six person crock pot.

Yes, those WERE some of the freshest nut rolls we've had. Big Pappy's lack of taste in jewelry was apparent when she almost swallowed her tongue and seized at the site of a pair of onyx Black Hills Gold earrings. Maybe if she was the Queen of his Double Wide Trailer it would be a different story. Did I mention the rose gold heart shaped locket that had LOVE written in capital script?

Then she feels bad because she suffers from "if something happened I would feel horrible!" syndrome. Familial guilt. I guess it boils down to loving what you get and what you have. Yet, how can you blame someone for being pissed off at your present when it appears absolutely no effort has gone into it? Especially when you've been an indentured servant for all of your married life.

On a suprising note, on old friend stopped by tonight and it was so great to see him. I never thought I'd see him again. What a perfect Christmas present. I can't ask for anything better than that.

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