Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Reflecting on New Year's Eve, I am so thankful that I'm not "out there" anymore. That was only the second time in two and a half years I've gone out and it was my first night away from Snowflake! It was fun for a carefree night, but I'd rather be holed up in our swanky cozy casa. I'm not missing anything except being hit on by damaged alcoholics.

Speaking of -ics and -isms, I have passed one on to Snowflake. He is a certifiable BIBLIOHOLIC! Yesterday I went loco and bought a bonanza of gorgeous hardcover books from a bookstore that is closing. I felt like a crazed pirate who had just found booty galore! Lovingly perusing pages, flipping and fondeling, drooling over make believe, I could imagine my little Mini-Me combusting with excitement as he dove headlong into a treasure trove of new fantastical worlds.

"Tommy DoLittle" is the laziest boy in the world and now he is Snowflake's constant companion. We must have read it thirty times last night. Switching to "My Car" didn't last long.

"Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom!" Snowflake sweetly chirped.

How could I resist? It brings absolute joy to my heart when Snowflake gets so excited and turned on by books. I read "Catcher in the Rye" aloud when I was pregnant and I have read to Snowflake everyday since he was born. If that translates into a life long passion for books I am beyond words, beyond proud.


Anonymous said...

What a good -ic to have. Mason loves books too.

Anonymous said...

That is VERY exciting! I absolutely loved reading to my boys when they were younger and as they got older the books got thicker and less colorful but all the same still loads of fun. Taking them to storytime at the library and bookstores were memorable times too.
You are awesome, I just want to cozy up with you and Snowflake and Tommy Dolittle!

Anonymous said...

I really hope Snowflake is nothing like Tommy DoLittle, although I wouldn't mind if he had a lttle of his imagination!