Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Gap

Two weeks ago:

"Your grandmother asked me if you were still nursing and I told her not really."

"What do you mean 'not really'? Why'd you say that? I just nursed him over here last night!" I said to my mother in disbelief.

"He only nursed for a few seconds and he fell asleep and you really only nurse him at night"

"Well, mom, that's still nursing! You're wacky. You must be embarassed." Silence.


"Do you sleep naked with the baby?" she says initiating another classic conversation.

"What?!? Why?" I say stunned. I mean where did she come up with this idea?

"Well, I was trying to make him take a nap and we were laying down and he pulled up my shirt. Then he poked my tummy and my bellybutton. When I asked him what he was looking for he said 'butt'. And he's always grabbing at my skin".

"No, I don't sleep naked with the baby! He's very tactile and curious. I think he's most attracted to flab, it fascinates him the way it bounces and ripples when you touch it."

"Just what are you saying?"

"Nothing, he just likes skin alot," I say steering away from my faux pas.


Anonymous said...

Ha that was funny! I sometimes wish I could respond to my super-critical mom with a quirky comment like that.

Anonymous said...

The only way to get Little Cubby to go back to sleep in the middle of the night is to nurse him. He is almost 17 months old.

We do what works!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! Boobies, we call them 'nums' have totally mystical and magical powers.

Anonymous said...

You guys are way too hilarious! The beauty and fun of the human body!