Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Dark so early. Although the ground may be muddy in spots and the temperature is mild, winter is here. Streets are quieter, more abandoned. Passing nary a walker out in the early night.

I bought this house in the Spring of 1994 and later, in the autumn, my polish grandmother died. She lived in an old house that at "one time" used to be a farm house just over the hill from me. The town grew. I can remember her coming over, the one time she did, and we sat on the front steps and shared a beer. She thought everything here was so cute.

Now her backyard is fenced in by chainlink and home to two rather vicious looking pitbulls. She had the hugest, most beautiful garden. Berries, blossoms, herbs. She was a composter. Now she is.

Walking in the dark, looking into lit windows brings some warmth to me. I can recall all the little old people who lived here or there with yards as tidy as a new travel size sewing kit. They're all gone now and the fifty year olds are sixties and with maybe even a seventy or two thrown in.

There's a funeral home on my route. I'm always nauseated when I think I hear the crematorium running. Or maybe it's the windows shrouded in ivory shears, slightly obscuring the bursting pink toned walls. The 'special' spots lit clustered in the ceiling over what I can only presume to be someone's corpse. Damn, I hope all of that rosey glow makes them actually look better.

Rosy pink cheeks in the cold or in death. Winter is here.


Anonymous said...

Winter sometimes brings out the blah in me with the dark so early, light so late...When I taught in the city, I often left for work early in the morning and it was dark, and when I got home in the evening it was dark. How depressing it was to never see sunlight!

Interesting that you mentioned a funeral home on your route. When I taught in Japan, I'd often go for bike rides up the mountains in the countryside of Hiroshima...and there was a crematorium on that route. I gagged and puked my guts out at the thought of human bodies being incinerated. I know I'm a little melodramatic, but my gag reflexes often get the worst of me. Imagine the juxtaposition of beautiful Japanese landscapes and the awful sounds of the crematorium running. Ugh...sorry for the morbid comment. Don't mean to be a downer :(

Anyway, just proves that your writing, like your photos always evoke emotions in those who visit your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Christine is right, have a special gift. Your writing oftentimes paints the most vivid of pictures in my head.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the idea of being burned, but I like the idea of being thrown in a big hole in the ground even less. So burn baby, burn, I guess.

Great pics, truly. And great words.

Anonymous said...

I wish our society as a whole was more comfortable with death, but ICK, it has so much drama... I don't want to be embalmed. I guess I just want to be cremated. I don't care what anyone says, everyone looks like shit when they're dead and if you say otherwise, you're justy a big bullshitter. Nursing homes, hospitals and funeral homes all have the same smell to me.

Anonymous said...

I looked in my shoe.

Maybe its in the bathroom