Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tuesday's Child

Today went well. I was able to make a few little pieces of art for a friend who is having a baby. For her shower we are supposed to bring something that begins with the first letter of our names. I took some photographs of a Schleich hippo figure that I bought Snowflake at Target. I Warholed it with Photoshop. I found the perfect frames at where else, the Bullseye.

My coworker was pleasant save for the fact that he took a monstrosity of a dump and contaminated all of the clean air in the joint. I had to throw a copy of Wired over the duct in my office. He knows there is a definite science to crapping here. I assume he did this just to piss me off. Payback for my blogging. That's when I left to get some breathable oxygen frames from Target.

I bought Borat and rented Stranger than Fiction. I'm as happy as a hippo.

PS... I love SBC. The DVD for Borat is in a slipcover. When you take it out, the hardcase looks like a bootlegged russian blackmarket copy. It's hazy, faded and everything is written in cyrillic. The disc itself is a "Demorez" brand right off the spindle with Borat(the 'r' is backwards) written with a Sharpie Marker. Brilliant.

Here is the original and the Photoshopped:
original hippo
