Friday, March 09, 2007


Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you're abandoned in a red tagged stinking shitheap. My brother left a Post-It note on my desk one morning after some break-up I had. It said-

"Funny morning people will laugh louder than broken love will cry the next day."

I still have and treasure it. People don't want to confront the sadness, the depression the it's not gonna be alright. They don't know what to say. Being depressed and sad is like talking about sex in this country. Those items are far too sticky, gooey and complex for most fluff tops to digest. Can't we all just be happy? Euphoric in the face of demise? If it's not in your life, right in front of your very eyes, people are usually blind to it. People ignore what they need to confront thinking it will magically resolve itself.

I don't like to dwell in the dumps, but it is a part of life. I allow it because it is natural and healthy to a certain extent. Purging. I know I suffer from bouts of depression. It's all in the family. I'm thankful that I don't have to take medication. It's pounded into our psyche daily that to be sad is to be damaged in some way.

I have never been in love, but I equate it somehow to the feeling of deep sadness. There is something really shitty yet really pure about it. It is something you feel so primally and the cathartic release of sacred tears is beyond description. I feel sorry for the self absorbed happy horseshit eaters. They lack empathy. They just mindlessly nod and agree with you while they're really thinking about their kids upcoming basketball tournament or their pending dinner date at the all you can eat Chinese buffet.