Last night Snowflake awoke from his nap 15 minutes before class. The class is at a very awkward time of 6:15pm. Mr. Crabcakes does not like to participate in the class so soon after nap time. Enter jingle jangle bells.
His classmate "Spacepuff" decided to put the bell end of the stick into her mouth, all coquetish like. Snowflake follows suit. I take it out and tell him no. She continues doing so. He tries to imitate her again, I tell him no. He sticks it in his gob again, only this time, the fuckstick "teacher" reaches over and grabs it out of his mouth and takes it away.
He is dumbfounded and starts to rant a little. I whispered to him that he had to listen to Miss Priss because she is the teacher and that is not allowed. Meanwhile, Spacepuff continues practice for future blowjobs without interruption.
I was so wanting to go off on Miss Priss, but didn't want to make a scene. For godzake it's Kindermusik at the Conservatory! Hobnobbing Snobnobbing! If she would attempt something like this again, I would erupt like Yosemite Sam getting his cajones scorched by the campfire, dagnabbit. She was way out of line. Say, sweet heavenly Snowflake just happened to have that jingle bell finaggled around a tooth and she just accidentally ripped it out?
Trauma, trauma, trauma in the conservatory! Scandalous! Oh Miss Priss, how I wish you had a child of your own! Preferably a randy little rascally boychild who absolutely hates organized monotonous conformity!
Here, here's a little flower for me. SERENITY NOW! There, now don't I feel better?!

Damn, that sure is purdy! Almost like it belongs on a box of pads right alongside Miss Priss as she twirls in the gauzy morning light!
Hmmm. Maybe time to quit the Kindermusic, and just play those drums you have at home. ;)
Just call me Cat Woman. Yeah, I was feeling mean. I really don't think the kids are Jellynecks and Sackheads. Nor is Snowflake a constant Being of Light. His teacher is nice, but can't seem to relate to the energy of a 2.5 year old, at least Snowflake's energy. I really do like my photograph, so peaceful and serene. So seventies Maxi Padesque. So nothing like having a period.
I agree with J. Music at home!!!! ;-)
I live in the area & considered Kindermusic. It sounded like a good program, but we went with suzuki piano lessons for my daughter instead. She LOVES playing. I could give you the name of her teacher - she teaches a group of 2-3 year olds in a very fun, very relaxed atmosphere at her home. It's on Saturday mornings for an hour - maybe that time of day would work better for your little honey.
Kari- That's cool. How old was she when she started? I was thinking of send him to the School of Ballet, but it's incredibly expensive. I'd like to know more about your experience. Thanks!
liv was 4 when she started suzuki & is now almost 7. this teacher is a multi-talent; she teaches voice, guitar, violin, piano & flute.
my son will be three at the end of this month and we may start the saturday sessions for piano. i know some think it is young to start, but that is the suzuki theory. it is a very mother-led concept, which includes lots of praise, love and attention. i hesitate to start him, because as a typical little boy his energy is three times what his sisters was at that age.
the teacher has kindly invited us to try out a class or two at no charge to see how aiden does.
in regards to ballet, i thought there was some community funded ballet program developed through patrik kasper (the son of the school of ballet owners)at no charge. i think they meet at the ywca?
sorry for the long post! let me know if you need any information. best, kari
Kari- Let me know how it goes for your little guy. You can email me if you want. Kindermusik last night was nightmare. I actually left class. I was near tears. I felt like everyone was thinking I was this terrible parent of a savage boy.
My neighbor made me feel a whole lot better about the situation. Ugh. He is energetic and curious and creative. I have to remember that. He needs to tumble or rock climb or something.
hey there. finally got to your post. i think all kids should have music in their lives, but having 4, i simply cannot take them to individual lessons.
the elementary school the kids are at gives lessons 2x weekly if they kids/parents want to join. both boys tried and it didn't go too far for D1. D2 is currently taking flute lessons and sounds horrible, but is enjoying.
the easiest way for me to incorporate music into the kids' lives was to get heavy duty into children's music. some disney, some classical, some lullibies, etc. i have a HUGE children's music collection and i love that they are really into it. i have audio bks for all 4 ages (pooh bear to narnia) that we listen and discuss in the car. it brings us together and it's nice. and i'm a little saner (i think...) :)
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