I was sitting in my car, waiting at the stoplight. It snowed last night and today it's blustery and so chilly again. I saw a highschooler in his running gear- tights, long shorts, big hoody and hat go springing across four lanes of traffic. He did a special little spritely hop over a snow bank and then bounded into the park like a baby bunny.
He had pep.
Where did my pep go? Probably somewhere with Gwen's lamb.
Five minutes later, home. Snowflake waking from his jackass car nap, crabby and jittering around the room, wailing and flailing like Joe Cocker jonesing for a popsicle. I told him he could have one after he napped, but no. Instead he works himself into a flopping fish like frenzy, culminating in peeing his pants.
Oh, the joy. Ode to joy. This is your life, Heidi. And it's time to scrub the floors. With a little pep now, please.