Wednesday, February 07, 2007


My brother and I share the same birthday because our parents were faithful to having sex on their anniversary. Tonight we went out for dinner and Snowflake was so loud and teradactyl-like I actually started to cry because some butchy moo-cows gave me a dirty look. I told him he would have none of the Coldstone. NONE.

We came home.

"Mom! Mom! I have to poop," he exclaims.

I send him upstairs and he summons me after a few seconds telling me he pooped and peed.

"That is awesome, Trueby, awesome," I say.

Afterwards he jumps into my arms and says,

"I'm a good pooper! I'm a hoppin' turd! Woof! Woof!"

He's eating cake right now.


Anonymous said...

Sending warm Canadian hugs your way! :)

Butchy moo-cows are that way because they are unhappy with themselves and need to displace some of their unhappiness and project it on others. No worries...they're just butchy moo-cows.

At the end of the day, despite the loud, teradactyl behaviour, SF is still the lovable, sweet, cute, good pooper, hopping turd! LOL! That kid cracks me up! :)

Happy day after! :) Hope you had some good cake and a nice glass of wine (or something)!

Anonymous said...

That's a funny story. "I'm a good pooper!" Classic.

Anonymous said...

I hate those glares from old bitties. They have just forgotten what it is like! Their loss. Hope you had an awesome birthday and give that super duper pooper a high five for me!

Anonymous said...

That little hoppin turd is the best birthday present a hot mamma could ask for.