Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My English Love


I finally bought something I blogged about. Instead of procrastinating and dilly-dallying, I went on a hunt. I always thought I wanted a Dualit toaster. They're classically cool looking and world famous. But unlike days of old, their parts are now outsourced and then they are "hand assembled" in the UK. Well, that's just not acceptable, bub. I wanted the real deal. So after weeks of searching, I found it. It just magically appeared.


I found a brand new commercial Rowlett toaster on Ebay. The starting bid was higher than most Dualits but no one else bid on it. Happy Friggin' Birthday to Me! If I actually had to buy this from a company that shipped them from the UK to the US it would have cost me around $500 for this hunk of chrome goodness.

toaster 1

OMG. I love it. It's totally gorgeous and unlike the 'other inferior English toasters' this is actually handmade.

The slots are so wide I can put whole English Muffins or Bagels in! It toasts to perfection. I love the cool Nixie tube it has just above the dial when it's working hard to complete my order. It has a pleasant DING! when the item is done. Unlike regular toasters, your stuff stays down in the innards of the toaster until you push the plunger to retrieve it.


Talk about warm fuzzies. I've got 'em.

There's a flashy little brochure the toaster came with plugging the Rowlett 'lifestyle' complete with quotes from famous English writers like George Bernard Shaw:

"There is no love sincerer than the love of food." Don't I know it.
