Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Heidi is a Girl with a German Name

I'm reading two books right now: Freiderun Miram-Stockmann's "My Life with Boxers" and John P. Wagner's "The Boxer." Both of these individuals were prominent in the formation of the breed. Stockmann's story is fascinating. Art school girl meets boy, falls in love with boy's boxer and the rest became history. I love her prose. And I just identify with her. It really makes me think about my future with a new dog. A new boxer. Lately I'm thinking it would be cool to move somewhere with some space and have a breeding pair.

And then I think, no, Heidi. What you really want is to get a puppy with German parents and go hard core into Schtuzhund training. I think yes, a girl and her dog. I don't think there could be a more satisfying or empowering thing. Grr.

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