I started this blog when Snowflake was just a little speck. He turns 18 very, very soon. How did this happen? Things you never think about as a 20 or 30 something are now so stone cold front and center. I feel my emotions so deeply its hard for me to elaborate! Just the idea of getting old and not being there for my kid breaks my heart. When I had him, I realized how had it must have been for my mom to let me go off to college or anywhere really.
I feel that so much. It's such a deep note of sadness knowing that someday we won't be there. Where does the time go? I don't know but something that is six months or a year away doesn't seem too far now. I feel like I lost a lot by getting married when he was eight. His stepdad never wanted to be a stepdad, I guess. They just never developed a meaningful relationship. But the kid? He hates school but is so smart. And a smart ass. Sort of like his mom I suppose. Oh the ranging hormones of the teenage years and for these years!